Leave a legacy - The Lily Foundation
The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Child's cupped hands holding a red heart, nestled within cupped adult hands Child's cupped hands holding a red heart, nestled within cupped adult hands

Leave a legacy

Gifts in wills left to The Lily Foundation will help us continue our fight against mitochondrial disease

It was once considered rare, but did you know mitochondrial disease is now thought to affect 1 in 5000 people, making it the second most commonly diagnosed serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis?

There is currently no cure for mito disease which is, for many, debilitating and life-limiting. But with your help we can change this. Gifts left to The Lily Foundation in wills help us continue our fight against mitochondrial disorders and our mission to find a cure through our research strategy.

Together we can ensure that more people affected by mitochondrial disease can live longer, happier lives.

How do I leave a gift in my will?

Of course, your family and friends must come first, but once you’ve taken care of your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift to The Lily Foundation. Leaving a charitable donation in your will is easier than you might think and there are several ways you can give:

  • Residuary legacy – a share of your estate

You can donate a share of your estate to The Lily Foundation. This type of gift is also inflation-proof and will save you having to update your will in the future.

  • Pecuniary legacy – a specific sum of money

If you already have a financial figure in mind that you would like to leave to help us in the fight against mitochondrial disease, you can simply write this into your will.

  • A specific item – something of value

Any item that you own and you feel would be of financial value to The Lily Foundation can be left to us. This can be anything from jewellery to a house.

Already have a will?

If you’ve already written your will, you can easily add a charitable donation to The Lily Foundation using a codicil form.

A codicil form allows you to make amendments to your original will without having to make a new one. We advise that you consult with your solicitor before adding a codicil form to your will.

If you have any queries about leaving a gift in your will, please contact [email protected].

Thank you for your support

With your help we’ve raised an incredible £10 million to date – take a look at everything we’ve achieved since 2007, and help us keep fighting mitochondrial disease and finding hope for everyone affected.