Set up a JustGiving page - The Lily Foundation
The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Set up a JustGiving page

JustGiving is the world’s biggest online fundraising platform, so if you’re undertaking a charity challenge with The Lily Foundation, where better to start than by setting up a page on the JustGiving site. We’ve created this guide to help you through the process.

Perhaps you’d like to know how to maximise your donations, or maybe you and your family and friends are doing lots of different events for our charity but you’d like to group them all together. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your JustGiving page. Thank you for supporting our charity, and helping us in our fight against mitochondrial disease.

JustGiving has lots of functionality that can boost your fundraising – make sure you’re making the most of what it has to offer.

Add a personal photo

Fundraisers who add a profile picture tend to raise 15% more.

Write an engaging story

Tell people what you’re doing and your motivation for doing it. Even add a small section on what the charity does, for example:

“The Lily Foundation’s mission is: Today raising awareness of mitochondrial disease across the globe; tomorrow unlocking the cure through pioneering research; forever supporting all those affected by mito and empowering everyone to make a difference.”

Set a fundraising target

Target-setters raise up to 46% more. It’s good to have a goal and people will want to help you beat it. Remember, be it £50 or £5000, every single penny will make a difference.

Always add updates 

Regular updates of your training or progress will keep things active and fresh and give you a great reason to continue to share your page on social media.

Add a text-to-donate number

Through the edit functionality of your page you can create your own text donate number. It’s easy to do and easy to share. People like to be able to do this as it’s quick and easy and they can still pick how much they want to donate.

Join a fundraising team

There’s always strength in numbers – pages that are part of a team raise an average of 10% more. If you know you’re part of a wider team with the same motivation why not set up a team page where all you efforts can be seen in one place?

Add any money you’ve raised offline

Add any cash or cheque donations you’ve collected so everyone can see the total amount you’ve raised. Just go onto your page, select edit and on the right-hand side you’ll be able to add the total of your offline donations. Please remember, if you send us cheques or transfer money directly into our account, always tell us if it’s part of a fundraising campaign so we can add it to your total at our end too.

Say thank you!

Do this either directly to individuals or as a whole when you’ve finished by updating your page. Share a photo of your achievement via social media and tell all your supporters how amazing they are for helping you to help us find a cure for mitochondrial disease.

Create a team fundraising page

Did you know JustGiving even lets you bring together lots of individuals to fundraise as a team? Often when you’ve decided to fundraise for charity for a very personal reason, others want to join you. By creating a team on JustGiving, you can group all these efforts together and see the grand total of everyone involved. This is a great way of celebrating success and showing the impact that many people can have when motivated by a single cause or individual. JustGiving have put together this simple guide to help you set up your team.

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