Team fundraising - The Lily Foundation
The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Team fundraising

Start your own bespoke fundraising team to support The Lily Foundation.

By creating your own personalised fundraising team, you, your friends and family can join together and make a difference. As a team, with a personal touch, people will feel really engaged and part of something special.

What is a fundraising team?

Your own fundraising team will be one central fund inspired by someone special to you. By working together as a team, you can do something positive as a group whilst helping The Lily Foundation in our fight against mitochondrial disease.

How does it help your supporters?

If you create your own team, the money you all raise can go into one central fund with a group total. It’s an amazing way of seeing exactly what a difference you can make as a group inspired by someone you all love.

Events can be anything from a sponsored run to a bake sale, jumping out of an aeroplane to hosting a quiz.

We’ll help you every step of the way:

  • We’ll provide you with your very own logo to be used on your team pages, social media and even your own headed paper.
  • We’ll create your team’s own fundraising landing page where people can donate directly or set up their own fundraising pages linked to your team.
  • We’ll help you create your own page on social media to promote your fundraising and thank those supporting your team.
  • We’ll provide a community for you to talk to other fundraising teams to share ideas and inspirations.
  • We’ll give you regular updates on how your team is doing and where the money you’ve raised is going.
  • You’ll get ongoing support from our fundraising team. 

What do I do next?

It’s simple - just email [email protected] who will provide you with all the instructions you need to start your team.

She’ll be available to support you with all aspects of setting up your team so please don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with JustGiving or social media.

Every other day a child is born in the UK who will develop mitochondrial disease, yet we still have very limited treatments and no cure. Together you can change this. Create your team today!

Coming soon...