Five great reasons to run the London Marathon for Lily - News - The Lily Foundation
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Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Five great reasons to run the London Marathon for Lily

Events Fundraising

2 May 2024

Applied for a place in the ballot for next year’s London Marathon? From dedicated cheering squads to free beer and a massage, here are five great reasons to run this once-in-a-lifetime challenge for The Lily Foundation and help fight mitochondrial disease.

A man in a Lily vest smiling and holding a London Marathon finishers medal up

1. You’ll be running for a great cause

Running a charity event for a good cause gives extra motivation to prepare, train and run your marathon. Everyone who runs for Lily says that when the going gets tough, just thinking of the very sick children and adults they’re helping to support gives them the energy to keep going. By raising funds for The Lily Foundation, you’ll be making a real difference to the lives of mitochondrial disease patients and their families with every stride.

2. You’ll have an instant (and very loud) fanbase

We know how important it is to have the crowd on your side, so to help give you that extra push when it counts we station specially trained Lily cheering squads along the route. These crack teams include Lily staff members, volunteers, and families of people affected by mitochondrial disease. When they see your Lily t-shirt, you’ll feel the noise and know you're part of something special!

3. Did we mention the t-shirt?

If you're running for The Lily Foundation, we want everyone to know about it! When you sign up, we’ll send you one of our eye-catching technical running tops so you can wear your Lily colours with pride on the big day.

4. We’ll help out with the fundraising

Our friendly fundraising team will support you with ideas to help you get the most out of your marathon, including setting up your personal JustGiving page. That leaves you more time to get out there and pound the pavements!

5. You get a post-race pub meal, drink and massage!

To show just how much we appreciate your support, we book a pub close to the finish line. That's right, a whole pub! Jog into the Horse & Groom in Belgravia for a special Lily reception complete with a well-earned beer, hot food and a soothing leg rub by a professional sports therapist. What a perfect way to end your London Marathon experience.

If you weren’t successful in securing a place through the official ballot, don’t despair – we have guaranteed Lily places that you can still apply for. Register today.

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