Help your GP get mito aware - The Lily Foundation
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Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Help your GP get mito aware

Could your doctor benefit from a better understanding of mitochondrial disease?

While public awareness of mitochondrial disease is growing, work still needs to be done to increase clinical knowledge of the disease among medical professionals.

To address this, The Lily Foundation is distributing a reference book to non-specialist doctors (such as local medical teams) who have patients with a mitochondrial disease diagnosis.

Clinical Mitochondrial Medicine book with a Lily Leaflet on a table top

Clinical Mitochondrial Medicine, edited by Patrick Chinnery and Michael Keogh with contributions from members of our Lily Medical Board, is an ideal resource for medical professionals who want to expand their understanding of mitochondrial disease.

We’re providing copies of the book to doctors free of charge, but we need help distributing them to where they’re needed most. This is where you come in!

If you’ve been affected by mitochondrial disease and think your GP or consultant would benefit from this book, please use the link below to complete the order form and we’ll send you a copy to pass on to them.

Please note: this book isn’t written for, nor is it intended for, patients with mitochondrial disease or expert mito doctors operating from the specialist mitochondrial centres.

Order your copy now

Thank you for helping to raise awareness of mitochondrial disease!