Patient Information Days - The Lily Foundation
The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.

Patient Information Days

The specialist NHS mitochondrial disease clinics in Newcastle, Oxford and London host a number of Patient Information Days throughout the year and we’re always delighted to come along to offer our support and spread the word about the services we provide.

Lady standing at a lectern speaking into a microphone with a Lily banner in the background

These occasions are very valuable to mitochondrial disease patients, offering them an informal atmosphere to socialise, share stories and receive support and information from medical professionals. It’s a chance for patients old and new to meet the team, ask any questions they might have relating to their condition, and find out more about how to get involved with The Lily Foundation.

Members of the medical team who are hosting will greet patients, often displaying information stands and posters to showcase their work. After an introduction, presentations, talks and interactive workshops usually follow, and there’s always a break when attendees can enjoy mingling and chatting whilst helping themselves to refreshments.

Each event usually closes with a Q&A session, and all-in-all they offer an atmosphere very different to the sterile feeling of a doctor’s room or hospital ward. This breaking down of barriers often leads to better peer support and, most importantly, long-lasting friendships.

For details about upcoming events please ask your specialist NHS mitochondrial disease centre or contact [email protected].

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