News - The Lily Foundation
The Lily Foundation logo featuring a butterfly, hearts and an 'x' for a kiss

Fighting mito,
finding hope.


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24 May 2018

Mito conference news

The Lily Foundation recently attended two conferences to hear about the latest developments in mitochondrial disease research. These were the 11th Annual UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, and Mitochondrial Medicine 2018 at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton. Here we share some of the highlights from both events.

18 May 2018

Unlocking NR

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a form of vitamin B3 hyped for its alleged anti-ageing properties, but research shows it could be a treatment for mitochondrial disease. The Lily Foundation has recruited Dr Alex Clout, of UCL's School of Pharmacy and Institute of Neurology, to develop a formulation for patient trials.